My Response To The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Call For Kosher Therapeutic Meditation

In various communications, The Lubavitcher Rebbe discussed an array of holistic health issues and at times recommended very specific therapies or techniques.  The Rebbe predated many current, cutting-edge, evidence-based research. In the 60’s and 70’s the Rebbe approached individuals, groups, and then publicly gave an address about Transcendental Meditation and its idolatrous elements.  The Rebbe urged mental health professionals to develop and disseminate a kosher but value-free meditation (i.e., not using philosophical or religious concepts) that could be used to provide peace of mind. Speaking about the therapeutic benefits of Transcendental Meditation (TM), the Rebbe stated that the technique he requested should “calm the nerves” (baru’iken die nerven).  At the time of this appeal, minimal research was done, but meditation had promise toward these ends.

Today, the science unanimously agrees about the various benefits of meditation.  In fact, mindfulness meditation has become one of the most successful techniques utilized in therapeutic modalities (consider DBT, MBCT, MBSR, etc.).  Additionally, there is significant research demonstrating the beneficial neuroplastic effect meditation has on the brain.   However, despite their scientific benefit, many available methods contain some avizrayhu d’avodah zara (more subtle Eastern religious elements).

The Rebbe was spoke out strongly about getting the neutral format available as soon as possible (40 plus years ago).  He even stated that one shouldn’t wait for all the research to be done. Additionally, he said it’s an “holy obligation” to provide kosher techniques.  I have been working on responding to the Rebbe’s request for well over a decade. My mission is to provide and disseminate clinical meditation, relaxation recordings, and other techniques to help people with their self-regulation.  Currently, Toratherapeutics® has two albums of meditation and relaxation audios.  Additionally, to make it convenient, we hope to be launching our NOGA Sound Solutions® app very soon for even easier access than the mp3s.

Please CLICK HERE to download and read my pdf minEBook, “My Response to the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Call for Kosher, Therapeutic Meditation.”   This will reveal the Rebbe’s prescience in his plea for therapeutic meditation when he stated, “It will save countless lives.”

We warmly welcome your comments.  Thanks for visiting!
– Rus Devorah Wallen, Founder

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