Aroma In Jewish Tradition – G-d Scent? 😃

In our previous article, “Does It Smell Good? It May Also Be Good For You!” (CLICK HERE to read again) we explored the benefits of aromatherapy. Now, as promised, let’s delve into aroma according to the Torah and Jewish tradition while introducing our new product line – NOGA® Aromatherapeutics™.

For thousands of years, aromatherapy and pleasant scents have been used for health, healing, pleasure, and religious services. In Judaism, the sense of smell holds great importance both practically and spiritually, as it is closely associated with the soul and believed to influence both physical and spiritual aspects of life according to the Torah and Kabbalah.

A significant reference to the importance of smell in Judaism can be found in the Book of Exodus, where the use of incense is described as an integral part of the service in the Tabernacle (and later in the Holy Temple). The fragrant smoke of the incense symbolized the prayers of the people rising to heaven, and the ingredients were carefully chosen for their pleasant and symbolic significance.

In Kabbalah, the sense of smell is linked to the sefirah of Netzach, representing victory, endurance, and the power of the eternal soul. The fragrance of flowers and spices is considered particularly powerful in awakening the soul and connecting it with the divine. Some Kabbalistic teachings even suggest that certain fragrances can help heal the soul and bring about spiritual transformation. For example, during Havdalah, we use cloves, cinnamon, or nutmeg, – sweet-smelling spices – to “revive” our soul after the departure of the Shabbos spirit or “extra Shabbos soul.”

Throughout the Torah, we find examples of the positive significance of aromas. The incense was prominently used in the Mishkan and Beis HaMikdash (the Tabernacle in the desert and the Holy Temple in Jerusalem) as we mentioned above. The aroma of the sacrifices is repeatedly mentioned in the Torah and is considered a “pleasing aroma to Hashem.” In the Song of Songs, aroma symbolizes the love and intimate spiritual connection between God and His people. Furthermore, the “Four Kinds” – Lulav, Esrog, Myrtle, and Willow – represent Torah study and the performance of good deeds in various combinations, with taste and smell serving as metaphors for these spiritual pursuits. The Esrog (which has taste and fragrance), is like the person who learns Torah and performs kind deeds, whereas the Willow, which has fragrance, but no fruit to taste, symbolizes those who may not have a deep understanding of Torah (no flavor), but their lives are filled with good deeds and ethical actions (pleasant aroma).

In Judaism, smell is often associated with spiritual sensitivity and discernment, as it is considered the most refined of the senses. The word “schmeck” in Yiddish, not only refers to smell, but one’s sense about something. Our sages thus say that Moshiach (the Messiah) will have a heightened ability to discern truth and righteousness through his sense of smell.

To celebrate and savor our sense of smell, we are proud to introduce our new product line: NOGA® Aromatherapeutics™. Together with my dear friend and healing colleague, Chana Laila Skoglund of Earthwise Medicinals™, we have crafted a trio of aromas for Relaxation, Energy, and Sleep. These purse-size rollerball aroma trios offer over 360 applications, while individual ones contain 120 applications in a mini rollerball applicator.

Come, explore the delightful scents of NOGA® Aromatherapeutics™ and connect with the divine through the power of aroma!

Don’t forget, I am sharing my Progressive Muscle Relaxation audio as a free download for the month of July.

CLICK HERE to download it for free and enjoy!

We love hearing from you, please feel free to leave your comments below.

With Gratitude,

Rus Devorah

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