What’s Your Summertime Flavor?

Summertime always has a slightly different flavor than the rest of the year. Even if we are working, the nicer weather (at least in this hemisphere) can uplift our spirits and improve our mood. Hopefully, each of us is taking a little bit of time to reboot, refresh, and restore ourselves for the fall and the upcoming school year.

Since many of us have day-to-day responsibilities and cannot necessarily take off on a vacation due to financial or time constraints, we can still enjoy mini “vacays” and make the most of our summer. “Staycations” can be fun if planned properly. The pleasant weather makes outdoor activities particularly enjoyable. During the summer, some children may be at overnight or day camps, providing us with valuable free hours. Even if we can’t travel to far-off lands, we can engage in activities during those hours that rejuvenate us.

I often encourage my clients to find one pleasant and rejuvenating activity each day. I call these “Day Spa-Like Activities.” The idea is to treat each day as an opportunity to take advantage of a small, self-care ritual. Doing these nice things for ourselves helps fill our own tanks, enabling us to better take care of our responsibilities and the people who depend on us in a happier, more effective manner. When we neglect our self-care, it negatively impacts everyone around us. As I say, “If we don’t feed ourselves, we get fed up.” (for meme)

CLICK HERE for “Every Day is Day-Spa Day” handout to inspire your own Day Spa-Like Activities.

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With Gratitude,

Rus Devorah

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