In previous articles, we explored the Ultradian Rhythm and the profound benefits of taking ultradian rests throughout the day. These natural breaks align with the body’s fluctuating energy cycles and help sustain the balance of body, mind, and soul. Ignoring these rhythms—our innate “guidance system”—can lead to harm. When we disregard the subtle symptoms and messages our body sends, we risk becoming “disembodied,” disconnected from these vital cues that protect and sustain us.

In this article, I want to emphasize the importance of conscious caretaking. Being mindful of your body’s needs—taking care and being aware—is not just beneficial; it is essential. Ignoring these signals can have serious repercussions, as I discussed previously. Prolonged neglect of our ultradian rhythm can result in Ultradian Stress Syndrome, a condition more serious than many realize.

My “Stroke of Good Fortune”
Eight years ago, I experienced what I call my “Stroke of Good Fortune.” This transformative event, though frightening at the time, taught me invaluable lessons about health, self-awareness, and resilience. You can read the full story here, where I share the details and reflections on why I believe it happened.

While genetic and epigenetic factors predisposed me to the stroke, I recognize my own role in ignoring the warning signs. I had been blind to the toll my lifestyle was taking on my health, pushing past ultradian stress signals and taxing my body far beyond its limits. Taking on late night clients in strange locales, overloading my caseload, and more. This disregard came at a high cost—but also brought incredible insight. As the many famous books about health and safety as well as trauma discuss, “The Body Keeps The Score.”  or If you’d like to hear more about my journey, I share it in this Human & Holy podcast episode.

The Lessons Learned
My experience reinforced a truth I now hold dear: our cures are not found in medicines or prescriptions alone. While these can be helpful, true healing lies in healthy living and lifestyle wellness. The keys to health and longevity are often simple yet profound attuning to your body, respecting its rhythms, and practicing self-compassion. Today, I feel deeply blessed to have a “new lease on life.” I’m 75 pounds lighter and feel 35 years younger. I am stronger on many levels—physically, spiritually, and emotionally. This transformation is a testament to the power of intentional, mindful living.

A Call to Action: Embrace Wellness
I share my story to inspire you to learn from my mistakes. Listen to your body’s signals and honor your circadian and ultradian rhythms. Cultivate a lifestyle of wellness, self-care, and self-compassion. Remember: Live lovingly, love livingly. These simple acts of care are not just acts of survival but of thriving.

Your well-being is worth the investment. Start small but start today.

We love hearing from you, please feel free to leave your comments below.

With Gratitude,

Rus Devorah

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